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Flowing water fall

A waterfall is a type of Riverine landform that occurs when a river stream is flowing over hard rock then an erosion happing which could cause the river stream to change directions and start flowing over soft rock which could end with a cliff being there or the weight of the water causing a cliff to form where water falls off causing a waterfall. It could also happen if the river stream or lake is going down a mountain or hill and there being rocks that the water falls off. A waterfall is usually found in where rivers are in a more damp environment.

Victoria Falls

Angel Falls in Venezuela is the tallest waterfall coming in at an incredible 979m and a Plunge of 807m! Victoria Fall is located on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe were it is neither the tallest or widest or it classified as the largest due two the combination of the height and width. Niagara falls is on the border of Canada and U.S.A. It is the most visited waterfall in the world with around 30 million visitors per year!

Niagara falls in Canada



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