Emperor Kanmu- Shogun Japan

Emperor Kanmu
In shogun Japan (1192-1867) the one of the emperors was emperor Kanmu. He was the 50th emperor to reign in Japan and was the son of Konin. He was born in 736 and died on 9 April 806. He was the most significant emperor for the time as he made changes to the government. He had a very easy life compared to all of society and there was no real reason for an emperor at the time but slowly re gained power again.

Samari from shogun Japan which Emperor ruled
In shogun Japan Emperor Kanmu had the name of the highest power but hardly any actual power. There was only ever one emperor at a time. The next Emperor was the son to the emperor. The typical day was quite boring as there was nothing to do as there was no power. Emperors used to be the head rulers until shoguns took over and once the shogun period ended emperors gain the head power again. The reason emperors still got the name, and a little power was due to Warriors’ loyalty otherwise they would have been ruled by the shogun.
At the time of Shogun peasants had the 3rd lowest ranking in the hierarchy after was artisans and merchants. 80% of Japan population was peasants. They farmed all day looking after the land for higher social classes they were also fisherman. They may have got essentials like food and water in return. They did not get days off, but their work was dictated by the seasons.

Peasants in Shogun Japan
When shogun took over the emperor little to no power as it was all the shoguns. The only power the emperor had was that he was the only person to have a patina of legitimacy, but emperor Kanmu did try consolidating government. Emperors used to have power before shogun Japan and now do have power but lost it when shoguns came in. Overall having an emperor during shogun Japan was mainly for the name. This lasted from 1200- 1800
Emperors had a very good life compared to peasants they got live in an imperial palace in Kyoto or would move if in an unsafe position due to war, weather or another extreme circumstance. Emperors got some of the best food you could get at the time, and it was a regular expectation. Some of the food included Fish, Rice, sake and Japanese sweets which are what some peasants wouldn’t have even tried before.

The food that emperors would of ate in Shogun Japan
Emperor Kanu biggest achievement was creating the basis of the Heian period. That is what he was known for in history. He had 32 imperial children which 3 of them went on to be shoguns themselves. He tried to consolidate the government by giving Sakanoue no Tamuramaro (758–811) the power as the shogun.
In Conclusion being and Emperor was a very easy job in shogun Japan as there was no power given, so there was never a need for the emperor to work a lot.