Dragon Hole

Dragon hole
The Dragon hole or the yongle blue are the 2 different names for the deepest hole in the ocean. It is located around 25km away from the discovery reef in the south China seas near the Paracel islands and is 300.89 m deep and in some places 130 m wide. The coral surrounding is only about 0.5 - 0.8 m deep therefore anything trying to get in the circle of the dragon hole will be very hard. One way they could help measure the hole is with the utilization of a boat with a flat bottom allowing it to float and move over the hole and coral.

Map of where the Dragon hole is
. The name is from the latin term "Draconem" which means "huge serpent," In 2017 Chinese researchers found the deepest blue hole in the ocean. It is a large sinkhole or cave shape with a deep blue color in the middle of the ocean. It hasn't been that long since researchers discovered it but is a remarkable find. It could or be called the yongle blue hole named after the third Ming empior.
Thanks for reading :):):)