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A volcano is a mountain with magma in it but when it erupts it turns into lava. A volcano is made by magma pushing up a thin layer or land up forming a mountain like landform that's hollow with magma in the middle. Volcans can also be made from tectonic plates crashing into each other.

Volcanos can be either active or inactive. When it's active it can erupt at any moment. But when it's in active it won't erupt when until it's active again. When it erupts it will spew out lava and rocks made out of magma.

Asia’s deadliest eruptions – and four volcanoes to watch

There are many volcanos in the world. Volcanos can even form islands when the are above land with no land around them. For example Hawaii was made from a volcano erupted and made stone for a new land.

World atlas Hawaii maps



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