Most populated lake in the world Lake Karachay!
We need to clean up after ourselves.
Hayley Connell 8A

This is a map of lake karachay
Lake Karachay is located in the southern mountains in Russia and has been around since 1951.

Here is an image of Lake Karachay
1934 to 1957 Lake Karachay was used as a waste dumping ground. In those twelve years a billion of Lake Karachays water has been polluted. The waste was produced by Civilian and military nuclear projects. The water is built up out of 120 million radioactive waste.

Image of lake karachay
Lake Karachay is built up out of 120 million toxins. It is deadly for humans. Standing up next to the lake for even an hour you would breathe in enough toxins to kill you. Although animals can’t live at lake Karacahy it is known to be a natural habitat.

Image of Lake Karachay