Is it just me, or is that an Iceberg?
Post By Emma Cardwell.

The Southern ocean, also known as the Antarctic, South polar, or Austral ocean, is the ocean that circles south pole and Antarctica. It's border is the latitude of about 60 degrees all around the bottom of the earth.
The Southern ocean is not in a single country, but instead circles the continent of Antarctica. Its get close to the countries of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Chile.

Because the Southern Ocean is an OCEAN, there is never any disputes about using it's water (It does have to be desalinated be fore use).
As the youngest ocean, (recognised as one of the worlds oceans in 1999), the Southern ocean is not well known, or much of a tourist destination, but that may also have something to do with the fact that the water is between -2 and 10 degrees Celsius. (a little too cold). However, if you go to Antarctica, you will see the great, big, freezing cold, Southern ocean.

Unfortunately, even the Southern ocean is not immune to the evil effects of climate change, Ice is melting dangerously fast, fish that feed the penguins and seals of Antarctica are dying from changes in ocean temperature (they only like their literally ice cold water, nothing else). In order to save the most amazing (and unique!) ecosystem, we must STOP BEING IDIOTS AND START BEING SERIOUS ABOTU CLIMATE CHANGE! (aka, NO fossil fuels!)

Many threatened species call the Southern ocean home. Penguins, including the Emperor, Adélie, chinstrap, royal, and Macaroni penguin species, live here. Also home on the Antarctica ice, are fur seals and sea lions, but they are not endangered like their neighbours the Penguins.
The southern ocean is a big, cold, choppy, windy, and generally wintery water-body. I suggest you bring your extra-extra-extra-thick wetsuit to go swimming here!